@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000949, author = {Iwasa, Mitsuhiro and 岩佐, 光啓 and Oikawa, Shohei and Kanmiya, Kenkichi}, issue = {2}, journal = {衛星動物, Medical Entomology and Zoology}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, A chloropid species, Siphunculina quinquangula (Loew, 1873) is recorded for the first time from Japan. Adult flies were collected in emergence traps covered on the remains stage of an exposed pig carcass. The implications are given for S. quinquangula (Loew) in estimating postmortem periods for forensic entomology. A key to the known Japanese species of the Siphunculina is also provided}, pages = {103--106}, title = {Siphunculina quinquangula (Loew) (Diptera, Chloropidae) new to Japan: Emergence from the remains stage of pig carcass, with the implications for forensic entomology}, volume = {64}, year = {2013} }