@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000774, author = {Matsumoto, Kohtaro and 松本, 高太郎 and 村上, 智亮 and 菅生, 樹春 and 山田, 一孝 and Kobayashi, Yoshiyasu and 古林, 与志安 and 松井, 高峯 and Inokuma, Hisashi and 猪熊, 壽}, issue = {5}, journal = {日本獣医師会雑誌, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 17日齢のホルスタイン種雌子牛が,神経症状を示した.病畜は頭部を左後方に折り曲げて伏臥姿勢を示し,時折自力で起立したがすぐに倒れ歩行不能であった. 神経学的検査では右の対光反射,威嚇瞬き反射,眼瞼反射,および音響耳介反射が消失していた. ビタミンB1,およびデキサメサゾンの投与により第7病日に歩行可能となったものの左への斜頸・旋回が認められ,神経学的検査所見に改善は認められなかった. 第7病日に病理解剖を行い,肉眼的には橋の断面右側に直径1cm大の膿瘍を認め,嫌気培養にてFusobacterium necrophorumが検出された. 左側への斜頸,聴覚の消失等の脳神経疾状は,橋の右側の膿瘍により内耳神経等の脳神経核が圧迫された結果出現した聴覚障害,平衡障害のためと考えられた., A 17-day-0ld female Holstein calf exhibited the following neurological symptoms: the calf bent its neck to the left,turning its face backward and could stand alone,but would fall within a short time. Neurological examination further revealed losses of pupillary light reflex, menace response,palpebral reflex,and hearing on the right side. After administration of dexamethasone and vitamin B1,the calf was able to walk on day 7 after the onset of symptoms; however,the head tilting and circling to the left could not be normalized,and the calf showed no improvement in neurological symptoms. The calf was euthanized on day 7, and pathological changes were examined. An abscess (diameter,1 cm) was found on the right side of the vertical section of the pons,and Fusobacterium necrophorum was cultivated from the abscess. The clinical symptoms,including head tilting to the left and hearing disturbance,were thought to be caused by the abscess pressing on cranial nerves, including the vestibulocochlear nuclei.}, pages = {351--354}, title = {脳幹部膿瘍により神経症状を呈したホルスタイン種子牛の1 例}, volume = {63}, year = {2010} }