@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000773, author = {松山, 雄喜 and 村上, 智亮 and 大林, 哲 and Kobayashi, Yoshiyasu and 古林, 与志安 and Matsumoto, Kohtaro and 松本, 高太郎 and 松井, 高峯 and Inokuma, Hisashi and 猪熊, 壽}, issue = {5}, journal = {日本獣医師会雑誌, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 8カ月齢ホルスタイン種乳牛が起立不能を呈した.右下顎リンパ節相当部に腫瘤を認めたため,午白血病を疑い血液検査および針吸引細胞診を実施したが,確定診断に至らなかった.病理解剖においては,環椎および胸椎にも腫瘤が存在し脊髄を圧迫していた.病理組織学的に,腫瘍細胞はBLA-36抗原陽性であり,B細胞性リンパ腫と診断した. BLV抗体は陰性であった.これらのことから,本症例は非定型若齢牛の散発性牛白血病と考えられた., An 8-month-old Holstein heifer presented with difficulty in standing. Bovine leukosis was suspected because of the enlargement of the right mandibular lymph node; however,this could not be confirmed by fine needle aspiration of the lymph node and blood examination. A postmortem examination revealed that neoplastic masses compressed the spinal cord and nerves at the atlas and thoratic vertebra. A histopathological examination revealed the mass to be B-cell lymphoma based on BLA-36 positivity,but antibodies against bovine leukemia virus were not detected. The case was diagnosed as an atypical sporadic type of bovine leukosis.}, pages = {355--358}, title = {起立不能を呈した育成牛における非定型散発性牛白血病の1例}, volume = {63}, year = {2010} }