@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000682, author = {Miyoshi, Masafumi and 三好, 雅史 and 西村, 麻紀 and 浅井, 寛之 and Miyahara, Kazuro and 宮原, 和郎}, issue = {9}, journal = {獣医畜産新報, Journal of the Veterinary Medicine}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 三次元超音波検査法の小動物臨床への応用の可能性を探求するために,妊娠後期の6 歳のビーグル犬に対して,腹部用三次元プローブを用いた三次元超音波検査法を出産まで数日毎に行い,8 頭の胎子の顔を描出しようと試みた。胎子の顔の三次元超音波画像が全ての検査日において少なくとも1 頭の胎子で得られたが,胎子が成長するにつれて良好な画像を得るのは難しくなった。交配後43 日目ならびに45 日目では胎子の顔の鮮明な三次元画像が容易に得られた。技術的に解決しなければならない問題がいくつか残されているものの,適切に用いさえすれば,三次元超音波検査法は従来の二次元超音波検査法を補足する方法として小動物臨床に応用可能であると考えられる。, This study was delineated to explore the possibility of using three-dimensional ultrasonography in small animal practice. In a 6-year-old pregnant beagle bitch with eight feti, we tried to visualize the feti faces with three-dimensional ultrasonography by scanning with a transabdominal three-dimensional probe every two to three days until parturition. At each date of examination, Three-dimensional sonographic images of the feti faces were obtained in at least one fetus. However, as fetal development progressed, it became more difficult to obtain good quality images. We were able to obtain clear and sharp three-dimensional images of the fetal faces easily on day 43 and 45 post breeding. The present results suggest that three-dimensional ultrasonography is a convenient tool to supplement conventional two-dimensional ultrasonography and might be useful for the small animal practitioners as long as used properly.}, pages = {745--749}, title = {三次元超音波検査法による犬胎子の顔の描出}, volume = {62}, year = {2009} }