@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000630, author = {Sasaki, Naoki and 佐々木, 直樹 and 高桑, 潤 and 関塚, 次郎 and 山田, 明夫}, issue = {7}, journal = {日本獣医師会雑誌, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, 北海道十勝地区で出生した重種子馬に,出生直後より起立が不自由であり,左側腕節外側面に直径3cm の腫脹が認められた.生後15 日目の超音波検査において,左側腕節前面の腱実質が確認されず,片側性総指伸筋腱断裂と診断された.圧定包帯によって歩様は改善し,最終的に生後270 日目に市場取引された.本症例はわが国で最初の報告例である., In a draught foal born in Tokachi,Hokkaido,Japan,dysstasia and a cold tumor of 3cm diameter were observed in the lateral surface of the left carpal region immediately after birth. At Obihiro University,an ultrasonic examination revealed an absence of the tendon parenchyma on the anterior surface of the left carpal region,and a diagnosis of congenital rupture of the common digital extensor tendons was suggested. Compression bandages improved the gait,and eventually the foal was traded when it was 270 days old.}, pages = {542--544}, title = {重種子馬の総指伸筋腱断裂を疑った1 例}, volume = {62}, year = {2009} }