@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000628, author = {山川, 和宏 and 杉崎, 義一 and 吉林, 台 and Kobayashi, Yoshiyasu and 古林, 与志安 and Furuoka, Hidefumi and 古岡, 秀文 and Sasaki, Naoki and 佐々木, 直樹 and Ishi, Mitsuo and 石井, 三都夫 and Inokuma, Hisashi and 猪熊, 壽}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本獣医師会雑誌, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, 2歳5カ月齢ホルスタイン雌乳牛が胸垂冷性浮腫,頸静脈拍動を呈し,心音聴取困難および心電図各波低電位所見から拡張型心筋症が疑われた.右胸腔には赤色変性性漏出液が多量に貯留しており,また超音波検査により心嚢水貯留を認めた.病理解剖の結果,心嚢は直径60cm大に腫大して血様心嚢水の貯留を認めたが,炎症あるいは腫瘍は認められず,血様心嚢水貯留の原因については不明であった.ただし右肩部に壊死巣を認めたことから,転倒等胸腔に強い衝撃を受けた可能性があると考えられた.心嚢水貯留が認められる場合には,心嚢腔内への出血も考慮すべき疾病のひとつであることが考えられた., A Holstein cow (two years and five months old) with jugular vein distension and non-inflammatory edema in the brisket showed decreased heart sound and abnormal waves on an electrocardiogram. Dilated cardiomyopathy was suspected. Unilateral pleural effusion was recovered from the right pleural cavity and found to be degenerated transudations. An ultrasonic cardiogram detected pericardial fluid. A pathological examination revealed that the pericardial cavity was enlarged with a diameter of 60cm. Blood-like fluid was recovered with no cells of inflammation or neoplasia. Although the cause of bloody pericardial fluid remains unknown,unilateral pleural and pericardial effusion can result from physical trauma to the thoracic cavity. Findings suggest hemorrhaging into the pericardial cavity should be listed in the differential diagnosis as a cause of pericardial effusion.}, pages = {49--51}, title = {片側性胸水を伴う血様心囊水貯留の乳牛の1症例}, volume = {62}, year = {2009} }