@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004369, author = {坂口, 加奈 and 前澤, 誠希 and 田中, 佑典 and 互野, 佑香 and 上沢, 彩 and 渡邉, 謙一 and 堀内, 雅之 and 古林, 与志安 and 猪熊, 壽}, issue = {4}, journal = {産業動物臨床医学雑誌}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, 食欲不振を呈した51 カ月齢のホルスタイン乳牛が頸静脈怒張を呈したが,心音微弱のため,初診時に心膜炎が疑われた.体表リンパ節腫大はなく,直腸検査でも骨盤腔内の腫瘤は触知されなかった.同日の血液検査で異型を伴う著しいリンパ球増多症(80,436/μℓ)を認め,また抗BLV 抗体はELISA で陽性であった.LDH 総活性,LDH アイソザイム2 および3 分画活性は,それぞれ15,640, 3,909および3,128 U/,血清TK 活性値は1,920 U/と,いずれも著増していた.症例は胸垂部冷性浮腫,呼吸困難症状を呈し第10 病日に死亡した.病理解剖では心嚢腔内に複数の腫瘤が認められ,血様混濁心嚢水が貯留していた.腫瘤は前縦隔,胆嚢と膵臓周囲,腸間膜,第四胃周囲にも認められた.病理組織学的に腫瘍細胞はB 細胞リンパ腫であることが確認され,本症例は地方病性牛白血病と診断された., A 51-month-old Holstein cow was presented for anorexia(Day 1). Jugular vein distension and auscultation difficulty were noted on examination, and pericarditis was suspected. Lymphadenopathy was not detected by both surface and rectal palpations. Hematological examination revealed marked lymphocytosis(80,436/μℓ)with atypical lymphocytes. An ELISA test for bovine leukemia virus antibody was positive. Increased activities of total LDH and LDH isozymes 2 and 3 were 15,640, 3,909 and 3,128 U/l, respectively. Serum thymidine kinase activity was also remarkably increased to 1,920U/l. On Day 10, the patient showed brisket edema and dyspnea and died. At necropsy, multiple masses were found in the pericardial cavity with bloody pericardial fluid. Several masses were also detected in the anterior mediastinum, around the gall bladder and pancreas, in the mesenteric, and around the abomasum. Histopathological analysis revealed that the masses were B-cell lymphoma which led to a diagnosis of enzootic bovine leucosis.}, pages = {227--230}, title = {体表リンパ節腫大と骨盤腔内腫瘤の認められない地方病性牛白血病ホルスタイン種乳牛の1症例}, volume = {8}, year = {2017} }