@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000348, author = {岡田, 舞 and 渡邉, 彩 and 松岡, 栄 and 三浦, 俊治 and 小田, 有二 and Kawai, Masahito and 河合, 正人}, journal = {北海道畜産学会報, Animal Science and Agriculture Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The change in chemical compositions and fermentation characteristics of potato pulp with Amylomyces rouxii(APS) during ensiling were compared to those of potato pulp silage without additive (CPS). Amylomyces rouxii was added as a rice malt at the rate of 1% of fresh weight. APS and CPS were ensiled in separate 900 ml silos for 3,5,7,14,28,42 and 70 days. There were no differences in the CP content throughout the ensiling period in both silage. NDF and ADF contents decreased by 5 to 7% for 70 day storage in both silage. The starch content on dry matter basis decreased from 62.0% at day 0 to 52.7% and 54.8% at day 70 in APS and CPS,respectively,and the content of APS was lower than that of CPS from day 14 to 70. The pH of APS was lower (p<0.05) than that of CPS throughout the ensiling period. The concentration of lactic acid in APS was higher (pく0.05) than that in CPS from day 3 to 42. Amylommyces rouxii promoted the degradation of starch and lactic acid fermentation of potato pulp during ensiling process., アミロマイセスを新鮮物重あたり1%添加したポテトパルプサイレージ(APS)の化学成分および発酵品質の経時的変化を無添加ポテトパルプサイレージ(CPS)と比較した.サイロは900mlビンを用い,3,5,7,14,28,42,70日間貯蔵した.どちらのサイレージも貯蔵期間中のCP含量に大きな変化はなく, NDFおよびADF含量は70日聞の貯蔵で5-7%程度の減少がみられた. 原料のデンプン含量は乾物中62.0%,70日目のCPS,APSでそれぞれ乾物中54.8%,52.7%であり,14日目以降はAPSの方が低く推移した. pHは貯蔵期間を通してAPSの方がCPSより低く推移し(pく0.05),乳酸含量は42日目までAPSにおいて高く推移した(p<0.05). アミロマイセスをポテトパルプに添加することにより,サイレージ貯蔵中におけるデンプンの分解と乳酸発酵が促進された.}, pages = {59--64}, title = {乳酸生成糸状菌(Amylomyces rouxii)添加ポテトパルプサイレージ貯蔵中における化学成分および発酵品質の経時的変化}, volume = {47}, year = {2005} }