@techreport{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003059, author = {大西, 一光}, month = {2018-01-30}, note = {50526704, 帯広畜産大学, 温帯や寒帯地域の多くの越冬性植物は、弱い低温に曝されることで生理的・発育的変化が誘導され、耐凍性を獲得する。この機構は低温順化反応と呼ばれ、コムギやオオムギなどでは越冬性を支配する重要な農業形質の一つである。本研究では、イネ低温適応機構の解明を目的として、これまで厳密に評価されてこなかったイネの低温順化反応性に着目し遺伝解析を行うとともに、寒冷地帯での適応的意義と新たな育種形質としての農業的価値について評価を行った。, Tolerance to low temperature can be enhanced by pre-exposure to low,non-hannful temperatures,a process known as acclimation. The effects of acclimation on chilling tolerance in species from tropical and subtropical regions are not well understood. Therefore,we investigated whether acclimation improved chilling tolerance at the plumule and seedling stages in Asian rice. Present results suggest that acclimation capacity,as well as intrinsic chilling tolerance,might contribute to local adaptation. In addition,QTLs involved in acclimated chilling tolerance at the plumule stage are different from those involved in intrinsic chilling tolerance. Furthermore,fine mapping of QTL for chilling tolerance at the plumule stage on the chromosome 11 (qCTP11) was conducted. Further genetic studies of chilling tolerance involving the process of acclimation will contribute to the development of new varieties with higher chilling tolerance in Asian rice., 2009年~2011年科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)(一般)研究成果報告書, application/pdf, 21580001}, title = {寒冷地帯におけるイネ低温順化反応性に関する育種学的研究}, year = {} }