@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000209, author = {Hosaka, Awie J. and Sanetomo, Rena and 實友, 玲奈 and Hosaka, Kazuyoshi and 保坂, 和良}, issue = {6}, journal = {G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics}, month = {2024-06-21}, note = {application/pdf, Potato and its wild relatives are distributed mainly in the Mexican highlands and central Andes of South America. The South American A-genome species, including cultivated potatoes, are reproductively isolated from Mexican diploid species. Whole-genome sequencing has disclosed genome structure and similarity, mostly in cultivated potatoes and their closely related species. In this study, we generated a chromosome-scale assembly of the genome of a Mexican diploid species, Solanum bulbocastanum Dun., using PacBio long-read sequencing, optical mapping, and Hi-C scaffolding technologies. The final sequence assembly consisted of 737.9 Mb, among which 647.0 Mb were anchored to the 12 chromosomes. Compared with chromosome-scale assemblies of S. lycopersicum (tomato), S. etuberosum (non-tuber-bearing species with E-genome), S. verrucosum, S. chacoense, S. multidissectum, and S. phureja (all four are A-genome species), the S. bulbocastnum genome was the shortest. It contained fewer transposable elements (56.2%) than A-genome species. A cluster analysis was performed based on pairwise ratios of syntenic regions among the seven chromosome-scale assemblies, showing that the A-genome species were first clustered as a distinct group. Then, this group was clustered with S. bulbocastanum. Sequence similarity in 1,624 single-copy orthologous gene groups among 36 Solanum species and clones separated S. bulbocastanum as a specific group, including other Mexican diploid species, from the A-genome species. Therefore, the S. bulbocastanum genome differs in genome structure and gene sequences from the A-genome species. These findings provide important insights into understanding and utilizing the genetic diversity of S. bulbocastanum and the other Mexican diploid species in potato breeding.}, title = {A de novo genome assembly of Solanum bulbocastanum Dun., a Mexican diploid species reproductively isolated from the A-genome species, including cultivated potatoes}, volume = {14}, year = {} }