@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000194, author = {Arai, Ikichi and 荒井, 威吉 and 仙田, 晶嗣 and 山上, 貴礼 and 無量谷, 亜希 and Nakamura, Tadashi and 中村, 正 and Urashima, Tadasu and 浦島, 匡}, journal = {北海道畜産学会報, Animal Science and Agriculture Hokkaido}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, The efficacy of the use of acidic electrolyzed water (AEW) for premilking teat cleaning and disinfection (TCD) was evaluated using a split-udder experimental design. The efficacy of AEW for TCD was compared with that of NaClO solution contained 200 ppm available chlorine (HClO). The viable cell counts levels of SPC,lactic acid bacteria,thermotrophilic bacteria and anaerobe (group A) which contaminated on teat skin were over 10³ cfu/cm²,whereas psychrotrophilic bacteria and coliforms (group B) were less 10² cfu/cm². After TCD with AEW and HClO,viable cell counts levels of the microorganisms of group A and group B were decreased to 2.8-7.6% and 10.0-14.5% respectively. On the other hand,the efficacy of AEW or HClO for TCD was almost constant throughout one year. The microorganisms of group A and coliforms decreased gradually from summer to winter,but only psychrotrophilic bacteria increased gradually from summer to winter. It was concluded that the efficacy of AEW for TCD was almost equal to that of HClO,and thus AEW could be effectively used for TCD., 搾乳時における強酸性電解水による乳頭清拭の効果を検討した.同一泌乳午の右前後乳頭を強酸性電解水で,左前後乳頭をNaClO溶液で清拭し,乳頭清拭の前後に各々の乳頭表皮5cm²を拭き取り,一般細菌数,乳酸菌数,高温菌数,嫌気性菌数,低温菌数および大腸菌群数を測定し,両者の清拭効果を比較した.強酸性電解水は,NaClO溶液と同等の乳頭清拭効果を示し,乳頭表皮の汚染菌数が10³cfu/cm²以上ある一般細菌,乳酸菌,高温菌および嫌気性菌の乳頭清拭後の残存率は2.8-7.6%,10²cfu/cm²以下の低温菌数と大腸菌数の残存率は10.0-14.5%であった.乳頭清拭の効果は作業者に近い乳頭の方が高い傾向がみられた.各乳頭表皮の汚染細菌数は菌種毎に類似の水準を示し,低温菌は夏から冬に向かって漸増したが,その他の5菌種は夏から冬にかけて漸減する季節的変動を示した.強酸性水とNaClO溶液による乳頭清拭の効果は季節的な影響を受けず,ほほ一定であることが認められた.}, pages = {59--63}, title = {強酸性電解水による乳頭清拭の効果}, volume = {44}, year = {2002} }