@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001870, author = {Fujimaki, Yuzo and 藤巻, 裕蔵 and Nechaev, Vitalii A.}, issue = {1}, journal = {帯広畜産大学学術研究報告. 自然科学, Research bulletin of Obihiro University. Natural science}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, Bird surveys were conducted in various habitats in Schmidt Peninsula, northern Sakhalin during summer of 1976, 1988 and 1998. A total of 120 birds species were recorded during surveys. Abundant species were Troglodytes, troglodytes, Tarsiger cyanurus, Phylloscopus proregulus and Parus ater in coniferous forests, Phylloscopus borealis and P. ater in deciduous broadleaved forests, and Alauda arvensis, Saxicola torquata and Locustella ochotensis in open habitats. In addidon, ducks, waders and gulls were common along coasts of lakes and sea. Summer avifauna of Schmidt Peninsula was characterized by high proportion of northern bird species such as Anas penelope, Anas acuta, Bucephala clangula, Phylloscopus borealis, Fringilla monotifirngilla and Perisoreus infaustus., サハリン北部シュミット半島の森林,草原,河川沿い,海岸,湖沼などいろいろの環境で, 1978, 1988,1998年の夏に鳥類相を調べた.調査期間中,全部で120種が記録された.これらのうち,生息数が多かったのは,エゾマツ林やグイマツ林ではミソサザイ,ルリビタキ,カラフトムシクイ,ヒガラなど,落葉広葉樹林ではメボソムシクイやヒガラなど,草原や湿原など聞けた環境ではヒバリ,ノビタキ,シマセンニュウなどであった.このほか,湖岸や海岸ではカモ類,シギ・チドリ類,カモメ類などが見られた.シュミット半島の夏の鳥類相の特徴は,ヒドリガモ,オナガガモ,ホオジロガモ,メボソムシクイ,アトリ,アカオカケスなど主に高緯度で繁殖する鳥類の割合が南部や中部より多いことである.}, pages = {11--18}, title = {Summer avifauna of Schmidt Peninsula, northern Sakhalin}, volume = {22}, year = {2000} }