@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001833, author = {何, 寧 and 太野, 友和 and Kojima, Michiyuki and 小嶋, 道之}, journal = {帯広畜産大学学術研究報告, Research bulletin of Obihiro University}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 出芽期の低温に強いアカネダイナゴンと出芽期の低温に弱い斑小粒系−1の実生を15℃で低温処理した時に,両品種の抗酸化酵素活性に違いがあるのかどうかを調べた。アカネダイナゴンの緑化実生を低温処理すると,APX 活性やCAT 活性は上昇したが,斑小粒系−1のCAT 活性は顕著に低下した。しかし,黄化実生に4000Lx の光照射下で低温処理すると,斑小粒系−1のCAT 活性は上昇したが,アカネダイナゴンのそれはほとんど変化しなかった。斑小粒系−1の緑化実生は,光のある状態で低温を受けると代謝が乱れ,CAT 活性が低下して細胞内の過酸化水素が過剰となり,細胞障害を起こすのかもしれない。, Seedlings of 2 varieties of Adzuki beans ? the Buchisyouryukei-1 variety, which is weak under low temperatures in the budding stage, and the Akanedainagon variety, which is resistant to low temperatures in the budding stage ? were investigated to clarify whether differences in the antioxidative enzyme activity are associated with exposure to low temperatures (15oC). APX and CAT activity rose when greenish Akanedainagon seedlings were exposed to low temperatures, and the CAT activity of greenish Buchisyouryukei-1 seedlings decreased significantly. CAT activity of etiolated Buchisyouryukei-1 seedlings rose during chilling under light (4000Lx), but there was no recognizable change in etiolated Akanedainagon seedlings. It is the decreased CAT activity when greenish Buchisyouryukei-1 seedlings are exposed to low temperatures, in combination with the resultant excessive hydrogen peroxide, that causes cell damage.}, pages = {21--25}, title = {低温と光がアズキ実生の抗酸化酵素活性に与える影響}, volume = {26}, year = {2005} }