@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000137, author = {Kuchida, Keigo and 口田, 圭吾 and 小西, 一之 and Suzuki, Mistuyoshi and 鈴木, 三義 and Miyoshi, Shunzo and 三好, 俊三}, issue = {8}, journal = {日本畜産学会報, Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 画像解析により算出された牛ロース芯面積に占める脂肪交雑の面積割合(脂肪面積比)と格付員によるBMSナンパーとの関連性におよぼす品種の効果を検討した。材料は黒毛和種32頭(以下,JB),アパディン・アンガス種5頭(AA),JB x ホルスタイン種7頭(BH),JB x AA11頭(BA)およびJB x マリーグレー種3頭(BM)である. 粒子面積階層別に脂肪交雑粒子の平均面積とその標準偏差および粒子数を算出した. さらに脂肪交雑の配置バランスを数値化した. 同ーのBMSナンパーにおいて, JBの脂肪面積比は,他に比較し低い値を示した(Pく0.05). 粒子の平均面積は,すべての粒子面積階層においてJB,AAならびにBMが, BAおよびBHに比較し小さい傾向にあった. JBの脂肪交雑粒子数は,すべての粒子面積階層において少ない傾向にあった.また,JBおよびBMの脂肪交雑は,他の品種に比較し,均一に配置していた。, Effecs of breed on the relationship between Beef Marbling Standard (BMS) number by the examiners and ratio of fat area to ribeye area (RFA) calculated by image analysis were investigated. Pictures of the ribeye area of 32 Japanese Black(JB),5 Aberdeen Angus (AA),7 JB x Holstein (BH),11 JB x AA(BA) and 3 JB x Murray Grey (BM) were used. Averages and standard deviations for the area of marbling particle,and numbers of marbling particle were calculated for marbling particles with their areas greater than 0.01,0.05,0.1,0.5 and 1.O cm2. Standard deviations of marbling percentage for small areas which were obtained by dividing the ribeye into 4,9,25 and 100 partitions were calculated by the image analysis method. The average and standard deviation of marbling particle area for JB,AA and BM tended to be lower than those for BA and BH. The number of marbling for JB was smaller than those for other 4 breeds. The dispersion of marbling for JB and BM tended to be uniform compared with those for other 3 breeds. RFA for JB was significantly lower than those for other 4 breeds in BMS number 2 and 3.}, pages = {J106--J110}, title = {BMSナンバーと牛ロース芯内脂肪面積比との関連性におよぼす品種の効果}, volume = {70}, year = {1999} }