@misc{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001355, author = {岡本, 光民}, month = {2018-01-30}, note = {2016, application/pdf, Crop damage by crows is a serious problem. About two species of them, Carrion crow Corvus corone and Jungle crow C. macrorhynchos nest in cropland and locate their feeding places around their nests during the breeding season. Elucidation of their nesting and feeding environment is an urgent task because it leads directly to crop damage control. From this perspective, we aimed to elucidate the nesting environment of the two species of crow in windbreak on cropland. The area of conifers and the presence or absence of nests of the two species were closely related : the larger the area of conifers, the greater the probability of the presence of nest. Coniferous tree grow large, with massive trunks and thick branches that help hide the nests. Conifers are therefore likely to protect the nests from enemy species and also protect the nests from falling when the wind is strong. The area of cropland and the presence or absence of nests were somewhat related : the larger the area of cropland, the greater the probability of the presence of nest. Cropland plays an important role as a feeding place for crow during the breeding season. Therefore, the two species of crow studied here were likely to use cropland frequently to procure food resources during the breeding season. The windbreaks or nesting places of the two species of crow were next to the cropland, and this proximity was likely to increase the frequency and severity of crop damage. We need to draw farmers’ attention to instances in which crops that suffer heavy damage from crow are cultivated in areas near nests. We also need that agriculture damage and the relations of the crow will continue in future and study it., 修士学位論文, 大学院畜産学研究科畜産生命科学専攻, Master’s Course of Agro-Environmental Science}, title = {十勝地方中部の防風林におけるカラス科2種の営巣に関係する環境要因の解明}, year = {} }