@article{oai:obihiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001240, author = {佐藤, 正人 and 樋口, 徹 and 井上, 哲 and 後藤, 忠広 and 村瀬, 晴崇 and 南保, 泰雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本獣医師会雑誌, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, サラブレッド妊娠馬の血中プロジェステロン(P4)及びエストラジオール(E2)濃度は,胎盤炎等による流産の前に変動することが知られている.本研究では妊娠後期に実施された腸管手術9症例について術後管理とあわせて血中P4とE2濃度の変化を検索した.9例中6例の馬でホルモン値の異常は認めなかった.重症であった3例ではP4濃度の増加を示したため,合成プロジェステロン製剤,子宮弛緩剤,ST合剤の経口投与による治療を行った.E2濃度については一定の傾向は認められなかった.全例で正常な新生子を分娩した.妊娠後期のサラブレッド繁殖雌馬での適切な腸管手術は,多くの例でホルモン値に及ぼす影響が少ないものの,ホルモン測定を実施することにより流産リスクを早期に発見できることが示唆された., It is reported that the serum concentration of progesterone and estradiol fluctuate before an abor tion in thoroughbred mares with placentitis. In this study, the plasma progesterone and estradiol concentration in nine thoroughbred mares of late gestation was measured in pre- and post-colic surger y. Three of the nine mares were treated with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, a drug for uterine atony, and synthetic progesterone, since the plasma progesterone concentrations were higher in post-surgery than the pre- surgery readings. The estradiol concentrations had high fluctuations and were not recognized as a fixed trend. All mares gave birth to normal foals. The present results suggest that monitoring progesterone concentrations after colic surgery might reduce the risk of abor tions in Thoroughbred mares. Well-managed colic surger y was not a large influence on progesterone and estradiol concentrations. Therefore, the measurement of hormones before and after colic surgery is meaningful for understanding the conditions of pregnancy following an operation.}, pages = {37--43}, title = {妊娠後期に腸管手術を実施したサラブレッドの血中プロジェステロン及びエストラジオール測定による妊娠管理}, volume = {70}, year = {2017} }